The College of Chemistry of Zhengzhou University Making Continuous Progress in the Direction of Energy Catalysis

12 October,2021
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Recently, the research group of Professor Zang Shuangquan of the College of Chemistry of ZZU has continuously made progress in the direction of carbon dioxide reduction and oxygen evolution reaction catalysis. The research results have been published in the top journalAdvanced Materialsin the field of chemical materials. The first author of the paper "Integrating Single Atoms with Different Microenvironments into One Porous Organic Polymer for Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction" is Dong Xiaoyu, a master student in the College of Chemistry, and the corresponding author is Professor Zang Shuangquan and Dr. Wang Shan; the first author of the paper "Manipulating the Local Coordination and Electronic Structures for Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution" is Dr. Wu Zhipeng, a postdoctoral faculty member of the College of Chemistry, and the corresponding authors are Professor Zang Shuangquan and Professor Lou Xiongwen. The College of Chemistry of ZZU is the first corresponding unit for the two papers.