Prof. Wang Lidong’s Team of ZZU Jointly with Research Teams from USA and Finland Publishes Their Latest Research Result on Nature Communications

16 July,2018
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On May 22, the article titled “High-throughput screening of prostate cancer risk loci by single nucleotide polymorphisms sequencing” was published online in Nature Communications with Pro. Wang Lidong of The First Affiliated Hospital of ZZU, Pro. Wei Gonghong of the University of Oulu, and Prof. Wang Liang of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine as corresponding authors and doctoral candidate Zhang Peng of The First Affiliated Hospital of ZZU as the first author. This research got supports from projects including Ministry of Science and Technology’s major special projects of National High-tech R&D Program (863 Program), NCI R01 Projects of the United States, “ Health of Wisconsin” development plans and the fund of Academy of Finland.(translator Song Gencheng)