Progress has been Made in the Field of Squamous Cell Carcinoma

22 May,2023
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Recently Professor Dong Zigang’s team from Zhengzhou University/China-Us (Henan) Homer Cancer Research Institute published an online article titled “DUSP4 promotes esophageal squamous cell carcinoma progression by dephosphorylating HSP90β”

Professor Dong Zigang and Professor Li Xiang from the institute are the co corresponding authors of the article. Doctoral student Zhou Liting is the first author of the paper. Henan Cancer Hospital provides strong support for this study. This research project has received support from the National Natural Science Fond of China; Henan Provincial Major Science and Technology Special Project, Henan Provincial Natural Science Fund, Henan Youth Backbone Teacher Program, Henan Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Talent Support Program, and Zhengzhou University Education Development Fund.