Zhengzhou University People's Hospital carries out international cooperation to solve the problem of repairing defect signals of functional magnetic resonance imaging by using deep machine learning

08 January,2021
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Recently, in collaboration with Hongbo’s team of School of Medicine and Li Luming’s team of School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tsinghua University, and Liu Hesheng’s team of Martinos Imaging Center of Harvard Medical School, Wang Meiyun’s team of Zhengzhou University People's Hospital has solved the problem of repairing defect signals of functional magnetic resonance imaging by using deep machine learning. The research achievements have been published inNature Communications, a leading international journal, under the title “Reconstructing lost BOLD signal in individual participants using deep machine learning”. Professor Wang Meiyun is the co-corresponding author of this paper, and Louisa Dahmani, a postdoctor fellow at Zhengzhou University People's Hospital, is the co-first author of the paper.