Breakthrough in the Field of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices at the College of Physics, Zhengzhou University

18 June,2021
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Recently, the College of Physics of Zhengzhou University has made a breakthrough in the field of controllable preparation of graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN) films and optoelectronic devices, and the related results were published in the flagship Cell journalMatterin a paper entitled “Wafer-scale growth of two-dimensional graphitic carbon nitride films”.

Liu Zhiyu, a master's student in the College of Physics, Wang Chunfeng, an associate researcher in the School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering of Shenzhen University, and Zhu Zhili, an associate professor in the College of Physics, are co-first authors, and Associate Professor Lou Qing, Professor Dong Lin, and Professor Shan Chongxin in the College of Physics are co-corresponding authors, with Zhengzhou University as the first correspondence unit.