ZZU Holds 2017 Commencement and Degree-conferring Ceremony

07 August,2017
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ZZU Holds 2017 Commencement and Degree-conferring Ceremony

On June 18, 2017 Commencement and Degree-conferring Ceremony of ZZU were held on Main Campus, Benyuan Stadium. Participants included more than 17,000 graduates of 2017, university leadership, Niu Shucheng, Liu Jiongtian, Li Xingcheng, Wang Zongmin, Zhang Qianhong, Liu Guoji, Gu Zhenqing, Guan Shaokang, Han Guohe, Li Dongsheng, and Chair Professor Nan Zhenzhong of News and Media Discipline of ZZU, who was the former general Editor of Xinhua Agency, Ms. Adelaide Amurane who was Minister of Civil Affairs of Mozambique President’s Office, Prof. Barry J. Marshall who was Visiting Professor of ZZU, also Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering and 2005 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, Prof. He Jilin who was Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Henan Province Industrial Technology Research Institute of Resources and Materials, Prof. Wu Yangjie from School of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, who was Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, Prof. Francois Mathey from School of Chemical and Molecular Engineering who was Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Science, Prof. Wang Fuming from School of Water Conservancy and Environment, who was Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Er Yuehe, a distinguished Chinese writer, who was also Dean of School of Liberal Arts of ZZU, Vice President Li Rong’an from Open University of Hong Kong, all the members of School Degree Committee, chiefs of all the schools or departments, and representatives of parents and teachers. The ceremony was chaired by Vice President Zhang Qianhong.

Vice President Guan Shaokang read out the degree-conferring decision of School Degree Committee. Vice Secretary of School Party Committee Li Xingcheng announced the ZZU’s Decisions of “Commending 2017 Excellent Graduates” and of “Praising Advanced Collectives and Individuals in the Three-one Theme Education Activities”.

Leaders and guests sitting at the front rows presented honorary certificates to the student representatives who won the title of honor—“Excellent Graduates of the Year”.

Party Secretary Niu Shucheng awarded the medals to the advanced collectives in Three-one Theme Education Activities.

Vice President Wang Zongmin chaired the ceremony of conferring degree. Chairman of School Degree Committee, President Liu Jiongtian conferred doctoral degrees, Vice Chairman, Party Secretary Niu Shucheng conferred master degrees, Academician Wang Fuming of Chinese Academy of Engineering conferred bachelor degrees, and Academician Wu Yangjie of Chinese Academy of Science conferred degrees to the representatives of overseas students.

Representatives of undergraduates, postgraduate, overseas students, Prof. Pang Xinchang as faculty representative, 2005 Nobel Prize winner for medicine, Prof. Barry Marshall as foreign faculty representative, Mr.Wang Zhijie on behalf of students’ parents, Ms. Adelaide Amurane, Minister of Civil Affairs of Mozambique President’s Office on behalf of overseas students’ parents delivered their thank-you speeches.

President Liu delivered a speech, noting “confidence, Openness, Respect and Perseverance” as manifestation of ZZU’s cultural traits was derived from culture and actualized in ZZU people’s character, and especially embodied in graduates of this year. It originated in ZZU’s historical and cultural sedimentation and highlighted ZZU people’s action tension and cultural charisma.

Noting further graduation diploma is a “visible certificate”, while the invisible certificate of openness, respect and perseverance is an award for students’ traits, President Liu made a wish for the graduates of 2017: lead the world with innovation, shoulder the epochal responsibility and mission, turn knowledge into positive powers of innovative drives; lead the future with traits, hold fast to ZZU traits, temper and hammer our personality, walk towards ever-new realm of life. Liu promised ZZU would be the common home to all students, and would thrive on and prosper with everyone’s efforts. He concluded his speech by wishing every student good career, happy life and beautiful prospect!

After the ceremony, ZZU 2017 Degree-conferring Ceremony was continued on the four branch venues of North Stadium, South Stadium, East Campus and South Campus.(translator Song Gencheng)